
Measuring Post-Licensure Competence with Simulation: The Nursing Performance Profile


A valid, reliable practice assessment is needed to support intervention on the public's behalf when the pattern of a nurse's performance results in or is likely to result in patient harm. A collaborative multiagency research team developed and tested a criterion-referenced competency assessment process, using high-fidelity clinical simulation based on the Taxonomy of Error Root Cause Analysis and Practice Responsibility and the Clinical Competency Assessment of Newly Licensed Nurses. The 41-item instrument includes nine competency categories essential for safe practice. The instrument used with high-fidelity simulation testing shows promise as a reliable, valid method for identifying unsafe nursing practice.

Janine E. Hinton, PhD, RN, Mary Z. Mays, PhD, Debra Hagler, PhD, RN, Pamela Randolph, MS, RN, Ruth Brooks, MS, RN, Nick DeFalco, MSN, RN, Beatrice Kastenbaum, MSN, RN, Kathy Miller, MSN, RN & Dan Weberg, MHI, RN
Hinton, J.E., Mays, M.Z., Hagler, D., Randolph, P., Brooks, R., DeFalco, N., Kastenbaum, B., Miller, K., & Weberg,D. (2012). Measuring post-licensure competency with simulation: the nursing performance profile. Journal of Nursing Regulation 3(2), 45-53.
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Continued Competence, Education, Practice, Research, Simulation
Research Library
Research Item